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Collaboration made easy

A new global market

Insights gained from single-cell transcriptomics will not only revolutionarize the landscape of cancer genomics, immunology and whole-organism science [1]. They will also continue to create a new global market of personalized medicine that is estimated to reach more than $5 billion by 2025 [2].

our offer

With the Platform and IT service of FASTGenomics you can enable easy sharing of data, algorithms and results between your project partners. It doesn’t matter where your partners are, if you are a community of labs or if you need to transfer large data and results within a consortium. FASTGenomics is the hub for your research activities. We offer

  • Cloud-based infrastructure
  • User management and roles
  • Secure data management
  • Interactive or batch computation
  • Best-practices workflows
  • AI-based methods for cutting-edge analytics


our experience

FASTGenomics and CommaSoft have large experience in setting up complex IT infrastructure for various customers. We have successfully partnered with large pharmaceutical companies and health care providers as well as small and medium enterprises. Comma Soft customers include world leading players such as Boehringer Ingelheim, Qiagen and Bayer. We know how to approach challenging projects and how to drive your single-cell research to marketable success.



Request a personal consultation for your single-cell platform project. We would be happy to get in touch and discuss your plans and prospects. No matter what you are aiming for – we have the experts to face your challenge.


[1] Shapiro, E., Biezuner, T., & Linnarsson, S. (2013). Single-cell sequencing-based technologies will revolutionize whole-organism science. Nature Reviews Genetics, 14(9), 618.
[2] Global Single Cell Multi-Omics Market – Analysis and Forecast 2019-2025, Research and Markets Report, June 2019

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