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FASTGenomics: End of beta phase

FASTGenomics has ceased its freely available services as of 30.06.2024.

Thank you for your interest in and use of FASTGenomics – the online collaboration analytics platform for single-cell genomics.

Thanks to the large community, we have been able to develop the platform over the last few years into what it is today: a platform for research collaborations that was always free of charge for academia.

FASTGenomics is a research project of Comma Soft AG and the LIMES Institute of the University of Bonn, funded by the federal government and Comma Soft AG. As such a research project, we are required to enter a commercialization phase after the successful development phase. This time has now come:

The beta phase has now been successfully completed, which means that we will no longer be able to provide the use of our scalable analysis clusters and data hosting free of charge but only in paid collaborations.

Therefore, the service at is no longer available. Existing accounts, analysis, and data have been deleted as announced.

If your organization is interested in a license or your own FASTGenomics instance, please contact us. Please note that we cannot issue individual licenses, but can only discuss organization-wide licenses.

We are of course also available for questions about research cooperations or suggestions.

The FASTGenomics Team

AI in life sciences: a genetic revolution

The cells in the human body follow a unique set of instructions encoded in their DNA. This DNA is the same in all cells, yet each cell in our body is specialized to develop certain shapes and to perform certain actions: blood cells carry oxygen, neurons transmit electric pulses, and macrophages kill bacteria to name only a few of the thousands of tasks that have to be carried out in our body. How is this possible?

The answer is that despite having the same basic information, the transcription of the DNA is different in each cell. The technique to make this visible is called single-cell RNA-sequencing. Genes within the DNA can be turned off and on, leading to the vast amount of cell types encountered in complex organisms. Accordingly, to understand how cells work and interact we need to understand their specific blueprints, i.e. which genes are active and which are not. This analysis is made possible with new computational powers driven by artificial intelligence.


investigating the basic modules of life

Using AI-based analysis methods we can now study each cell’s genetic information individually and understand the fine differences between cells – even detect completely new cell types – and understand how these cells develop. Insights gained from this technique will not only revolutionize the landscape of cancer genomics, immunology and whole-organism science. They will also continue to create a new global market of personalized medicine that is estimated to reach more than $5 billion by 2025.


FASTGenomics is the answer to the computational challenges posed by single-cell omics. It is an open online platform for single-cell RNA-seq and provides state-of-the-art data management and analytics. FASTGenomics enables you and your collaborators to share large data sets and use cutting-edge AI-based analysis methods with high demand on computational power. FASTGenomics offers an intuitive cloud-based interface without time-consuming installation.

Complex analyses made easy.

FASTGenomics is based on a collaborative research endeavour of Comma Soft AG, Bonn, and the LIMES Institute of the University of Bonn, Germany, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. The use of FASTGenomics is free for academic research.

Associated partners and networks

Since we started in 2016, we have collaborated with several industrial and academic partners. We are part of international research consortia, such as SYSCID, discovAIR and we are a member of the Human Cell Atlas Lung Biological Network. Our partners and customers and experts in their field and we help them to focus on their research, to collaborate and to disseminate their results. Based on this experience, we have developed the FASTGenomics you know today.


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About US

The FASTGenomics team brings together innovative Data Scientists from Comma Soft and experts in the field of Genomics and Immunology. We strive to offer you state-of-the-art data management and cutting-edge analyses via our cloud-based platform. We are specialists: computer scientists, biologists, mathematicians, physicists and consulting experts. And we are thrilled to face new challenges and offer you the best of services.

Meet the team

Consult our Single-Cell Experts

Are you planning to start your own scRNA-seq research project and are you looking for an experienced partner in analytics and data management? Get in touch with us to learn how Comma Soft and FASTGenomics can assist you to realize a successful project.

Based on a research project by